Observation and Field Notes
Park yourself someplace where you can observe unobstrusively for at least half an hour, longer if possible. (Someplace, and some activity, related to your project for this course would be a good choice.) Decide ahead of time whether there is something in particular that interests you about that situation.
For the first period of time -- maybe 15 minutes or more -- simply observe, with no prior idea of what you are going to pay attention to. Try to see this situation anew, as if you had just arrived from another planet. The term that's sometimes used is "make the familiar strange."
After this initial observation, decide what you are going to observe. It may be that which you had decided ahead of time, but it may be something that caught your attention in the course of the initial observation. You need to focus your attention. Possibilities include:
Then write up in a brief but coherent narrative. Keep distinct (1) what you see, and (2) your interepretation of what's going on.
Turn in:
Photos are a plus, but not required.
The point of this exercise is to practice your observation and reporting skills.
Be sure you look at these resources:
especially clear notes on field notes
additional instructions on fieldnotes
DUE: Oct. 21.